Updating Date while deactivating user
Create a custom field of text and date. /* While deactivating a user on User Object update field on msg__c and deactivatedate__c with current dd*/ Apex Class public class deactivateHelper{ public static Boolean isFirstTime = true; public static void updateUser(Set<id> pxyUsrId){ system.debug('====='+pxyUsrId); //Getting the Id for the user Id userId = [select id,msg__c from User where id in: pxyUsrId limit 1].Id ; // List<User> userListToDeactivate = [select id,msg__c from User where id in: ids]; List<User> uselst = new List<User>(); if(pxyUsrId.size() > 0 ){ for(user us : [SELECT Id, msg__c,deactivated...